
В феисбуке получила месидж ит некой француженки, студенткий журналистки...
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по Англикий, переводить лень.
I'm a student in a journalisme school in Lille, north of France. My class is going to Tbilissi in May to cover the news there, and we are starting to write articles from now on, from France.
Not being there, it's quite difficult to interview Georgian people, so I'm using Facebook to do so.
My paper deals with the relationship between Georgian and Russian citizens. In the everyday life, do Georgian people really hate Russian people or not? do you avoid going to Russia for your hollidays, talking to them if you meet them in the street.. are they some regular violent street event when Georgian and Russian people meet.. or not at all: it's only Poutin and the government that who you are against?
И мой ответы:

I'll try to answer to all your questions.
1. Depends what do you mean in Russian people? citizens of Russia or all Russians?
In Georgia lives quite much Russians, Georgian citizens, about 60 000. I have couple good friends such Russians, I haven't heard from them that they felt any hate from Georgians in August or since August. Some of they have told me that they were glad and proud that nobody was blaming them for being russians and that relationships with friends and collegues were not spoilt. Those people suffered from Russian invasion even more then Georgians, one said that she feels shame that her historical fatherland loose any mask of civilization and sends troops which behave like mongolians.
Regarding Russians - not Georgian citizens... it's difficult.. yes I and most Georgians dislike them. But there are very few number of Russians who tried honestly to find out roots of conflict, and thinks that Russia is doing wrong and it is shame. To those I can say only respect.
Russian propaganda is very strong and most people belive that Gorgians are bloody animals, killing pregnant women etc. etc. Even HRW report didn't persuade them, they think that Saakashvili paid money to all west world for support or like that :D to those people - are they really people or machines??
Many people here have some relatives or friends in Russia, including me, (russians) but during August many such relationships were spoiled. One my friend wrote me letter on 11 august which said "give on me up and don't write to me anymore from your nazi country" friendship ended. I had visited that man in Moscow couple weeks before war and we were friends. I didn't thought to explain him something, if he belives to propaganda so, that considers yesterday friends have converted to nazis.
My friend has russian gradmother and her relatives in St. peterburg. When Tbilisi was bombed in 10 august, they had phone conversation, and that relative didn't belive that it was true that Tbilisi's millitary airport was bombed, she said "you all are lieing because your goverment ordered you so" and asked "why you are waring, war is in South Ossetia, you are in Tbilisi" of course after such things many relationships even between close relatives were stoped.
2. Yes I will not go to Russia on holidays. because their border guards and police likes georgians so much that first impression when I visited Moscow in July was that I will never return here. I don't think that it changed. I will not go to Russia, because I don't want to deal with human like machines, who thinks only what their propaganda makes them to think. I don't avoide Russians in Tbilisi, because most of them are locals :)) but before dealing to any russian I'm asking what does he thinks. If he belinges to thinking minority then everything is fine.
3. In Georgia didn't happen any such thinks, not including war of course :) In Russia I don't know.
4. Putin tryes to be something between modern Hitler or Stalin, he even started to paint ugly pictures, to be like Hitler I suppose :) I suppose that in this question all Georgians will answer similary - yes we hate Putin because his neoimperialistic views and actions. We don't want back to USSR.

Hope I gave you answers which you needed. I'm glad that you are interested and if you will have more questions, I'll answer.
If you need information about comming to Tbilisi, feel free to ask.


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