
Showing posts from 2007

Тель-Авив - Батуми

Тель-Авив - город который никогда не спит Тель-Авив - холм весны Тель-Авив - город радости и веселья Тель-Авив - праздник который всегда с тобой Тель-Авив - город жизни Много эпитетов можно дать этому молодому неугомонному городу в котором жизнь не утихает и беды и радости принимаются с улыбкой и оптимизмом. Город добрых весёлых людей, который я полюбила за 3 недельное пребывание там. В эти выходные побывала в Батуми после 5 летнего перерыва. Город изменился до неузнаваемости, знакомые улицы приняли совершено незнакомы облик. Чем то центральные улочки Батуми напомнили мне Тель-Авив. Сходство мизерное но оно есть. Оба небольшие приморские города, но первое впечатление от Тель-Авива, да простят меня обитатели сего славного города, было не слишком хорошим. Его однообразная архитектура в стиле Баохаус произвело удручающее впечатление. Полюбила я Тель-Авив только после того как почувствовала неумолимы ритм жизни и впитала дух вечного оптимизма этого города. После проникновения духом этого г

бог Меркури ירושלים

Бог Меркури в Иерусалиме

В центре трех мировых религии в городе Иерусалиме, за обладание которым не одно тысячелетие льеться кровь, которым овладели крестоносцы, позже мусульмане и теперь он опять стал столицей еврейского государства. И по сей день за него не утихают споры и войны. Так которая религия является главенствующей в Иерусалиме? В арабском квартале я получила ответ на вопрос и не в храмах, которыми так богат Иерусалим а в торговых лавках, где на одной полке могут лежать кресты, звезды Давида, миноры и исламская символика. Там где торговля нет места религиозной распре, тут один бог - бог торговли Меркурий и он превыше войн и религиозной нетерпимости. Так чей город Иерусалим?


Jerusalem western wall, women side. Перед тем как подойти к стене плача нас всех проверили. В группе я была единственная девушка, так что на женскую часть стены я пошла одна. Народа было много, в основном верующие молились. На выходе старая женщина прочла мне целую проповедь на иврите из которого я ничего не понила но во всем согласилась, навязала на запястье красную ниточку с звездой Давида и камнем от сглаза, за что мне пришлось расстаться с парой шекелей.


Tel-Aviv beach. Almost every evening, after trainings - beach, warm sea nice weather, swimming to the sun during sunset... Sunsets in TA are extremely beautiful.. Just sitting at beach and watching it was pleasant beautiful... peaceful.... country where non stop war is going on seemed more peaceful then heaven. I love that city. Old Jaffa - Street of Capricorn. Zodiac streets are impressing. Pity I didn't find Capricorn's 5, but it must be amazing to have such address - Capricorn st. 5 From absolutly modern city I felt into old, eastern town with such beautiful streets and good mid eastern food. I was happy. There also is bridge of wishes with zogiac signs. One has to hold his own sign, look at sea and make a wish. I did it, but it didn't became true yet... Lets wait?

23 Август 2007

Просто очередной рабочий день. Предобеденное сонное настроение в офисе. Деловитое цоканье клавиш, вялое бормотание чепухи... Солнечны летний день за окном, ласковое солнце. Ожидание выходных, поезд до Батуми, жесть по Тель-Авивский... это не Тель-Авив как говорил великий комбинатор.. и Лето подходит к концу...

Нагорная проповедь

Блаженный ходячие с рюкзаком, ибо их есть достигнутая цель. Блаженный сидячие у костров, ибо их есть покой вечерний. Блаженный вкушающие макароны по флотский, ибо их есть вкусняшка лагерная. Блаженный разжигающие костер, ибо их есть тепло лагеря. Блаженный кипятящий воду в бутылке, ибо их есть горячи кофе. Блаженный врачеватели и ветеринары, ибо их есть благодарность падающих в ямы. Блаженный шустро помогающие, ибо они опора лагеря. Блаженный купающиеся в сере, ибо их есть покой телесный. Блаженный любящие горы, ибо их любовь незыблема. Блажен кто любит скалы, ибо цель трудна но достижение сладостна. Блаженный слушающие природу, ибо им открыты Таины мира. Блаженный верующие в красу земли, ибо горы полюбят их и найдут они трапу. Блажен кто берёт тяжелый рюкзак, ибо отдых радостней будет им. Блаженный любящие море, ибо попутный ветер будет с ними. Блаженный идущие за водой, ибо первый глоток будет их. Блаженный любящие ветер, ибо не напугает их буйство стихии и страсти люд

ათათურქის სახელობის აეროპორტი

გზაში... სტანბულის რეისმა დააგვიანა, ამიტომ გადაჯდომაზე ცოტა დრო გვქონდა. ათა-თუქრის აეროპორტსი ცოტა დრო გავატარეთ. თელ-ავივში ჩავფრინდით ღამის ორ საათზე. სასტუმროში 3 საათზე მივედით დაღლილები და ძილის გარდა არაფერი გვინდოდა. პირველი კულტურული შოკი - სასტუმროში თბილი საბნები იყო! ისრაელის ფოტოალბომი

Израельский дневник

Телль-Авив - город который никогда не спит. Телль-Авив - город веселия и жизни. Можно много эпитетов придумать для этого города весны, молодости и неугосимой жизни, где мне довелось провести 3 недели по командировке. Прилетели ночью в аэропорт им. Бен-Гуриона, после Ата Тюрка он покозался безлюдным. Израельский паспорт контроль прошла без проблем и официально вошла на територию израеля. В гостиницу ехали на такси. Первый взгляд на ночной Телль-Авив разочеровал немеряно. Уставшая после перелетов и без особых впечатлении пошла спать чтобы утром в нормальном состоянии пойдти на треининг. Утром

3 Weeks in Israel - Tel-Aviv

Tel-Aviv - city which never sleeps Tel-Aviv - young coty for young strong joyfull people Tel-Aviv - fest never ends... Don't know what else suites to TA... I arrived in TA in 1 July 2007 at 2:00 o'clock in morning. After leaving Ben-Gurion Airport went to hotel by taxi, very tired. only thing I noticed that in night it's really hot. Next 5 workdays were quite similar, from 9 to 5 trainings and after spending time with Ukrainian guys from our group, Volodya, Andrei and Yura. Volking down on sea coast street, viciting pubs, drinking beer and of course going to sea. Mediterian sea at Israeli coast is so salty that hardly posible to sunk, but not when there are big waves. One of first coltur shock was because hearing russian language everywhere so frequently. Seacoast bulvar in night is so beautiful, many people walking around, any kind of people. Israel is like big Babel, any kind of people, Israelis from more then 100 countries...

Day with Lika

Family isn't easy thing, very difficult if you have family like mine... sisters who are almost unknown... meeting each other knowing better, different background, different characters different lifes, only common - father whom I don't remember and different attitudes to man who made us sisters... very different opinions.... heavy backgrounds... missed warm in childhood... here I have some common with my oldest sister but what else in common we have? belonging to different generations but we have never talked about it... Lika - fathers beloved daughter... she received most from him... what never was given to others, especialy to me... Nino - difficult to image that we can be sisters, so different... Suppose there are many things in background, in life what about better is not to think at all.... just got it.... how it is. no judging, not trying make own opinion, not thinking much, living with today... I'm happy I have sister Lika.


ბირთვისსი ექსკურსია 20 მაისი. ყველა ფოტოები აქ დევს: ბლომად სურათებია! მაგარი ადგილია! მთელი აპრილი არაფერი არ ხდებოდა, მაისი - მუშაობა დრო არ მაქვს :(

Candyism's commandments

1) you shall have no other candies before me 2) you shall not make for yourself a candy in the form of anything that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath.... 3) you shall not bow down to Candy or worship him 4) you shall not make wrongful use of the name of candy 5) observe the sabbath day... don't work and eat lots of candy

de Natura Deorum

2000 წლის შემდეგ New thoughts about old subject. Question is as ancient as world, what are gods, who are they, how do they rule and behave. Could they be counted or not, is god or gods persons who can be considered as single or plural persons? Monotheist seems to have answer but is it true answer? Gods gave humans body, not to let them be gods too. Human with body is weaker. Body limits human's soul. what is soul with out body it is wind? Wind which brings new seeds of live and takes away ash of old, burned, perishable ended lives? wind is changing face of Planet, it makes air move, it makes weather, it brings and takes clouds away. Wind brings seeds of civilizations and blows off ruins... may be wind brinds sould to humans body, gods souls and then takes them away?

Changes - Viktor Tsoi

Instead of warm green windows glass, Instead of fire smoke. From calendar table day is taken. Red sun is burnt, and day is burning with it. Shadow comes over burning city. Our hearts are demanding changes, Our eyes are demanding changes, In our laugh and our eyes, and pulsation vein demand Changes! We are waiting for changes. Electric light gives birth to our day and match box is empty. But in kitchen as blue flower gas is burning. Cigarettes in hands, tea on the table, It is simple scheme. And there is nothing else, everything is inner us. Our hearts are demanding changes, Our eyes are demanding changes, In our laugh and our eyes, and pulsation vein demand Changes! We are waiting for changes. We can't boast of wisdom of eyes And skilled hand gestures, We don't need all this to understand each other. Cigarettes in hands, tea on the table, So circle is locked. And suddenly we are afraid to change something. Our hearts are demanding changes, Our eyes are demanding changes, In our

Candy and Cow #603

hot summer day, another boring day in kibutz cowpan. all days were so same, but once appeared he, prince of prity cows dream, who even had not name, just number 603. He smiled to her, he was first person who had ever smiled her, then touched her virgin full of passion body. She looked at him with eyes fool of tenderness love. Candy felt that he conquered cow's hot and big heart. He started milk her tenderly. But it was not enough, to satisfy her high feelings.she looked into his eyes through his glasses, she hoped to see there love, but... Candy's heart was not so big and so hot... he was not able to answer on cow's feelings. she rushed to him! she wanted to tell him so much about blue sky, starts and all beauty of world! she wanted to share with him all long sweet live! she hoped for a while that they could be happy together. But she was just cow and was not able to say all this in words. She just say MUUUUU in which she put all big love, but Candy could not understand. Sh

First snow in Tbilisi

I went to my friend and it was gray rainy day. I even could not image that when I will leave, I'll see white snow flakes falling from dark almost black sky. I could not catch bus and walked by foot down to wet almost empty street, looking to lights ans black sky, from which white tiny snow flakes where flying to the black street only to melt there. Flakes where flying directly to my face, making is wet and cold. I was walking alone though snow flakes and listening romantic music. All empty street was full of this music. My coat was worming me, but jeans on knees became also wet and cold, but I did not care, I did not want bus anymore.. I feel that I can walk trough this white clean flakes infinity and never will became tired. Beauty conquered me, beauty of this snow night... grass-plots were becoming more and more white on my eyes, and street was still black, snow flakes where dancing under my music though street lights falling down in their beautiful dance to die, became water. I


Proca, rex Albanorum, duos filios, Numitorem et Amulium habuit. Numitori, qui natu maior erat, regnum reliquit; sed Amulius, pulso fratre, regnavit, et ut eum sobole privaret, Rheam Sylviam eius filiam Vestae sacerdotem fecit, quae tamen Romulum et Remum uno partu edidit. Quo cognito, Amulius ipsam in vincula coniecit, parvulos alveo impositos abiecit in Tiberim, qui tunc forte ripas erat effusus; sed, relabente flumine, eos aqua in sicco reliquit. Vastae tum in iis locis solitudines erant. Lupa, ut fama traditum est, ad vagitum accurrit, infantes linguâ lambit, ubera eorum ori admovit, matremque se gessit. Cum lupa saepius ad parvulos veluti ad catulos reverteretur, Faustulus, pastor regius, rem animadvertit, eos tulit in casam et Accae Laurentiae coniugi dedit educandos. Qui adulti inter pastores primo ludicris certaminibus vires auxere, deinde, venando saltus peragrare coeperunt, tum latrones a rapina pecorum arcere. Quare iis insidiati sunt latrones, a quibus Remus captus est. Romu


თებერვლის ძალიან უაზრო კვირა :(