de Natura Deorum

2000 წლის შემდეგ
New thoughts about old subject.
Question is as ancient as world, what are gods, who are they, how do they rule and behave. Could they be counted or not, is god or gods persons who can be considered as single or plural persons?
Monotheist seems to have answer but is it true answer?

Gods gave humans body, not to let them be gods too.
Human with body is weaker. Body limits human's soul. what is soul with out body it is wind?
Wind which brings new seeds of live and takes away ash of old, burned, perishable ended lives? wind is changing face of Planet, it makes air move, it makes weather, it brings and takes clouds away. Wind brings seeds of civilizations and blows off ruins... may be wind brinds sould to humans body, gods souls and then takes them away?


  1. soul lives on..body dies..
    can we reach out to our soul?


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