First snow in Tbilisi

I went to my friend and it was gray rainy day. I even could not image that when I will leave, I'll see white snow flakes falling from dark almost black sky. I could not catch bus and walked by foot down to wet almost empty street, looking to lights ans black sky, from which white tiny snow flakes where flying to the black street only to melt there. Flakes where flying directly to my face, making is wet and cold. I was walking alone though snow flakes and listening romantic music. All empty street was full of this music. My coat was worming me, but jeans on knees became also wet and cold, but I did not care, I did not want bus anymore.. I feel that I can walk trough this white clean flakes infinity and never will became tired.
Beauty conquered me, beauty of this snow night... grass-plots were becoming more and more white on my eyes, and street was still black, snow flakes where dancing under my music though street lights falling down in their beautiful dance to die, became water. I was feeling beauty which is so rare in big city. beauty was filling this night. in radio started Nightwish's song "Angels fall first" and flakes were live angels from sky, falling rapidly and directly to my face, singing song about beauty of their kingdom in the sky and dancing to die.

I walked about 4 km and was disappointed when find myself in front of my house. And only what I wanted to describe beauty of snow night...


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