Day with Lika

Family isn't easy thing, very difficult if you have family like mine... sisters who are almost unknown... meeting each other knowing better, different background, different characters different lifes, only common - father whom I don't remember and different attitudes to man who made us sisters... very different opinions.... heavy backgrounds... missed warm in childhood... here I have some common with my oldest sister but what else in common we have? belonging to different generations but we have never talked about it... Lika - fathers beloved daughter... she received most from him... what never was given to others, especialy to me... Nino - difficult to image that we can be sisters, so different...
Suppose there are many things in background, in life what about better is not to think at all.... just got it.... how it is. no judging, not trying make own opinion, not thinking much, living with today...
I'm happy I have sister Lika.


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